TAMPA, FL 33607
Membership Agreement
FLEX AND FLOW FITNESS LLC is registered with the State of Florida as a Gym, Registration No. is HS_____________.
Agreement made on this date, between FLEX AND FLOW FITNESS LLC, D/B/A FLEX & FLOW FITNESS LLC, a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the state of Florida, with its principal office located at 5850 W Cypress Street, Tampa, FL 33607, as a Health Club referred to herein as the Gym, and the undersigned, hereinafter called Client.
Whereas Client desires to become a client of the Gym and cannot become a client without agreeing to the rules and regulations set forth below and abiding by the terms of this Agreement;
Whereas, the Gym provides physical training services through 24/7 Open Gym Access. All services are intended to improve the health and performance of Client;
Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
1. Membership Fees, Term, Cancellation, Hold, and Rate Increases
All Membership options are listed below. Membership and services must be paid for in advance. All fees and schedules are subject to change without notice. At the present time, membership options are as follows:
24/7 Open Access
Automatic Renewal
Base Membership
*Month to Month
Automatically renews on a monthly basis on the anniversary date of signing this agreement.
Notice of cancellation is required fourteen (14) days in advance of Clients next billing date.
Silver Membership
*Month to Month
Automatically renews on a monthly basis on the anniversary date of signing this agreement.
Notice of cancellation is required fourteen (14) days in advance of Clients next billing date.
Gold Membership
*Month to Month
Automatically renews on a monthly basis on the anniversary date of signing this agreement.
Notice of cancellation is required fourteen (14) days in advance of Clients next billing date.
*A $29.99 yearly fee is charged at the time of signing this agreement and each year thereafter on the Anniversary date of this Agreement.
Term: Services under this Agreement will begin on the date Client signs this Agreement. This Agreement automatically renews on a billing cycle of every one (1) month on the Anniversary date of signing this Agreement. Client understands that upon signing this Agreement, Client is not entitled to any refund of any part of the membership dues unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement or by Law.
Cancellation: Client may cancel this Agreement at any time by providing written notice to Gym through the company website or the company mobile application. Memberships require a fourteen (14) day notice of cancellation unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement. Any regular payments scheduled within the cancellation window will be processed. By signing this Agreement, Client is authorizing the Gym to process any payment scheduled for processing within the cancellation window.
Gym may cancel this Agreement at any time for any reason.
Hold/Freeze: Client may not hold or freeze a monthly payment at any time for any reason.
Rate Increases: The Gym reserves the right to increase membership rates and fees at any time for any reason. The Gym will provide at least 30 days advance written notice to the Client regarding any rate adjustments. Notice shall be sent to the Client's address on file via email. The adjusted rates shall become effective on the first day of the next billing cycle following the expiration of the 30 day notice period. The Client's continued use of the Gym's facilities and services after the effective date of the rate adjustment shall constitute acceptance of the adjusted membership rates. While the Gym reserves sole discretion to adjust rates, any rate increases will be reasonably based on factors such as operational costs and market rates. Any rate adjustments will be uniformly applied to all memberships within each category or level of membership. If the Client does not wish to continue their membership at the increased rates, they may cancel their membership in accordance with the cancellation policy set forth in this Agreement without penalty. This clause balances the Gym's need to adjust pricing with Client's interest in reasonable rates and the ability to cancel their membership if a rate hike is unacceptable.
2. Automatic Payment Authorization Through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Client represents and warrants that if Client is purchasing something or paying for a service from this Gym that (i) any credit card, debit card, or bank account draft (ACH Draft) information Client supplies is true and complete, (ii) charges incurred by Client will be honored by Client’s credit card company or financial institution, and (iii) Client will pay the charges incurred by Client at the posted prices, including any applicable taxes, fees, and penalties.
Client hereby authorizes (if online payment is made or autopay information is provided) this Gym to charge Client’s ACH draft, credit card, or debit card account for the following amounts: (1) Client’s recurring membership dues, and (2) any other fee for other goods/services Gym provides that Client instructs Gym to bill to Client’s account on file.
Authorized EFT payments may be separately initiated or, to the extent permitted by law, combined with other authorized EFT payments. Client will receive notice if Client’s EFT rate is changing and have the choice of whether to continue or cancel Client’s membership at that time. If tax rates applicable to Client’s account change and alter such Client’s automatic payment in accordance with this Agreement, Client consents to receive notice only if the charge varies by more than 10%. Client may cancel EFT authorization by giving Gym written notice of termination in accordance with this Agreement. Client agrees to give Gym notice if Client’s billing or Account information changes. If Client decides to change Client’s billing information, a 15-day notice is required.
3. General Policies
The undersigned Client understands and agrees to the following general policies:
A. If Client anticipates being more than 10 minutes late to a group class, Client must contact the on-duty trainer. If Client is more than 20 minutes late to a group class, the on-duty trainer has a right to deny entry to the group class.
B. Other Service Fees
All services outside of those listed in this Agreement are subject to additional hourly rates, monthly rates, and/or specialty fees.
4. Access to Gym
This Agreement applies only to the individual signing this Agreement. Only the Client signing this Agreement is granted access to the Gym. Client is aware that the Gym uses cameras. Any Client caught granting access to non-members will be terminated immediately. Client will also be assessed a guest pass fee multiplied by the number of people the Client brought in with them in violation of this policy. This is a no exceptions policy.
5. Prohibition on Unauthorized Personal Training Services
In order for a Client/Trainer to provide personal training services, they are required to sign an indemnification agreement with the Gym prior to providing any services. Personal training services include, but are not limited to, providing instruction, guidance, coaching, or assistance to another client related to exercise techniques, use of equipment, program design, workout regimens, nutrition advice, or other fitness-related services. Payment or compensation for unauthorized training services is prohibited in any form, including but not limited to, cash, check, credit/debit cards, digital payment applications, barter, trade, and gifts or rewards of any kind.
Any Client found to be providing paid personal training services without authorization will be subject to penalties. If Client/Trainer refuses to sign the indemnification agreement, they will be terminated. This is a no exceptions policy.
The Gym reserves the sole right to determine if a violation of this policy has occurred and to enforce the penalties described herein. Clients interested in becoming authorized personal trainers may inquire about the Gym's certification process and employment opportunities. This policy aims to maintain a fair, supportive, and organized environment for all Gym members and staff. Clients are encouraged to contact management with any questions or concerns about this policy or its enforcement. Continued membership constitutes acceptance of all Gym policies, including any future amendments to this prohibition on unauthorized personal training services.
6. Conduct
The Gym is committed to the health, safety, and welfare of each of its clients and staff and will not tolerate unreasonable, threatening, obscene, harassing, indecent, or illegal behavior. The Gym has the right to judge behavior and respond accordingly. This right includes, but is not limited to, termination of membership of any client engaging in unacceptable behavior.
7. Minimum Age
By signing this Agreement, Client is acknowledging that Client is at least sixteen (16) years of age.
8. Damages
Client shall pay for any damages to the Gym’s property which results from the willful or negligent conduct of Client, Client’s guest, or dependent children.
9. Lost Articles
Gym assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen articles. Lost and found articles not claimed will be donated to charity.
10. Assignment of Agreement
The Gym reserves the right to sell, transfer, or assign all or part of its business, assets, or ownership to a new owner ("New Owner"). This includes the right to sell or transfer Client account information, including but not limited to name, contact details, payment information, and any health, fitness, or other personal information provided by Client ("Client Information"). Upon sale, Client Information shall be transferred to New Owner as part of the sale. New Owner shall have the same rights to use and disclose Client Information as the Gym. The Gym and New Owner may disclose Client Information to each other and to their agents, accountants, and attorneys as reasonably necessary to complete the sale.
Purpose and Necessity. This clause permits the continued operation of the business after a sale and provides clear expectations about the transfer of Client Information. It aims to balance Gym's business needs with Client's privacy rights.
11. Chargeback Policy
The Client agrees not to dispute or initiate chargebacks for valid membership fees or other charges authorized under this Agreement, except in cases of verified fraud not committed by the Gym. Valid charges include but are not limited to monthly fees, annual fees, enrollment fees, maintenance fees, or fees for personal training or other services provided by the Gym. In the event the Client disputes a charge and initiates a chargeback, the Gym will have the opportunity to present evidence to the Client's credit card issuer showing the charge was valid under the terms of this Agreement.
If the credit card issuer approves the chargeback despite the Gym's evidence, the Client agrees to reimburse the Gym for the amount of the chargeback within 30 days of request for reimbursement. Acceptable forms of reimbursement include cash, certified check, or money order.
The Client agrees not to initiate chargebacks in bad faith as a means of avoiding or delaying payment owed to the Gym under this Agreement. Doing so constitutes a material breach of contract. In the event of a material breach, the Gym may immediately suspend or terminate Client access and pursue reimbursement for any losses.
This chargeback policy is intended to protect the Gym against losses from fraudulent or abusive chargeback practices while preserving the Client's rights in cases of a legitimate billing dispute. The Gym will make every effort to resolve any chargeback issues amicably and in good faith.
12. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between them concerning the subject matter of this Agreement. The provisions of this may be waived, altered, amended or repealed, in whole or in part, only upon the prior written consent of all parties.
13. The failure of either party to this Agreement to insist upon the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or the waiver of any breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, shall not be construed as subsequently waiving any such terms and conditions, but the same shall continue and remain in full force and effect as if no such forbearance or waiver had occurred.
14. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect without being impaired or invalidated in any way. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced with a valid and enforceable provision which achieves, to the greatest extent possible, the economic, legal and commercial objectives of the invalid or unenforceable provision. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision in this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement. If any part of this Severability clause is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the clause will continue in effect and be construed in accordance with its terms as if the invalid or unenforceable part was not contained herein.
15. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be resolved through litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction. The parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts located in Hillsboro County, Florida for resolution of any disputes arising out of this Agreement. In any action or proceeding to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred, in addition to any other relief awarded. The parties hereby waive any right to a trial by jury in any litigation arising out of or relating to this Agreement. The parties agree that any claim or dispute subject to this dispute resolution provision must be brought within one (1) year after the claim or dispute arises or it is barred. This dispute resolution procedure shall be the exclusive means of resolving disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement. Its terms shall survive termination of the Agreement.
16. Client has read, and fully agrees to the terms of this Agreement and understands and agrees that by signing this Agreement Client has given up considerable future legal rights. Client has signed this Agreement freely, voluntarily, under no duress or threat of duress, without inducement, promise or guarantee being communicated to him/her.
17. Certain laws and regulations may require the Gym to provide Clients with written notices and disclosures on paper. With Client’s consent, this information may be provided to Client electronically. Clients’s consent hereto shall apply to each and every disclosure, notice, agreement, statement, term and condition, and any other information (collectively, the “Documents”) that the Gym may provide Client. Clients’s consent to receive the Documents electronically shall continue until expressly withdrawn by Client. Notwithstanding, Client may request a paper copy of all electronic Documents by contacting the Gym and requesting a paper copy. Client may withdraw its consent at any time by notifying the Gym. Upon withdrawing consent, Client shall no longer receive the Documents electronically. Client acknowledges that withdrawing consent may result in additional fees for Client’s receipt of the Documents. Client agrees to maintain a valid email address with the Gym, and to promptly notify the Gym of any changes to Client’s email address. If Client has provided another type of electronic contact information, such as a phone number, then Client may change that contact information by contacting the Gym. To access, view and receive the Documents electronically, Client agrees and acknowledges that it must have: (i) a computer, mobile device, tablet or smartphone, (ii) a version of internet browser software that is up-to-date and supported by Client’s electronic device, (iii) an internet connection, (iv) software that is capable of accurately reading and displaying electronic PDF files, (v) a computer or electronic device operating system capable of supporting the items above, and (vi) a printer or electronic storage device if Client desires to print any electronic Documents. Client acknowledges that it may also need a certain brand or device that can support applications intended for Client’s electronic mobile devices, tablets and smartphones. In the event the required software or hardware is modified in such a way that would create a material risk to Client to access the Documents electronically, then the Gym will notify Client following such material modification. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, Client does hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this paragraph and consents to the same. Client does also confirm that Client has the software and hardware described above, that Client has the means necessary to access, view and receive the Documents electronically, and that Client has provided a valid and active email address to the Gym.
Client is entitled to the penalty-free cancellation of this contract within 3 days, exclusive of holidays and weekends, of its making, upon the mailing or delivery of written notice to the Gym, and refund upon such notice of all monies paid under the contract, except that the Gym may retain an amount computed by dividing the number of complete days in the contract term, or if appropriate, the number of occasions Gym services are to be rendered into the total contract price and multiplying the result by the number of complete days that have passed since the making of the contract or, if appropriate, by the number of occasions that Gym services have been rendered. A refund shall be issued within thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice of cancellation.
Client is entitled to the cancellation and refund of the contract if the contracting business location of the Gym goes out of business, or moves its facilities more than five (5) driving miles and fails to provide, within 30 days, a facility of equal quality located within five (5) driving miles at no additional cost to the buyer.
Client’s notice of his/her intent to cancel shall be given in writing to the Gym. And that such a notice of cancellation shall also terminate automatically the consumer's obligation to any entity to whom the Gym has subrogated or assigned the consumer's contract. If the Gym wishes to enforce such contract after receipt of the notice, it may request the department to determine the sufficiency of the notice.
If the department determines that a refund is due the Client, the refund shall be an amount computed by dividing the contract price by the number of weeks in the contract term and multiplying the result by the number of weeks remaining in the contract term. The business location of a Gym shall not be deemed out of business when temporarily closed for repair and renovation of the premises:
1. Upon sale, for not more than 14 consecutive days; or
2. During ownership, for not more than seven (7) consecutive days and not more than two (2) periods of seven (7) consecutive days in any calendar year.
A refund will be issued within 30 days after receipt of the notice of cancellation.
Client is advised to contact the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services for information within 60 days should the Gym go out of business.
The contract may be canceled if the Client dies or becomes physically unable to avail himself or herself of a substantial portion of those services which he or she used from the commencement of the contract until the time of disability, with refund of funds paid or accepted in payment of the contract in an amount computed by dividing the contract price by the number of weeks in the contract term and multiplying the result by the number of weeks remaining in the contract term. The Client or the Client’s estate seeking relief under this paragraph may be required to provide proof of disability or death. A physical disability sufficient to warrant cancellation of the contract by the buyer shall be established if the buyer furnishes to the Gym a certification of such disability by a physician licensed under Chapter 458, 459, 460 or Chapter 461 to the extent the diagnosis or treatment is within the physician’s scope of practice. A refund shall be issued within 30 days after receipt of the notice of cancellation.
The initial term of this contract may not exceed 36 months and thereafter shall only be renewable annually. Such renewal contracts may not be executed or paid for until 60 days or less before the preceding contract expires. If we require you to furnish identification prior to entry to the facility and as a condition of using the services of the Gym, we shall provide you the means of such identification.
In witness whereof, I understand my rights and obligations as stated above. I confirm that I am a legal adult (unless otherwise indicated below) and that I have read and understand this Agreement and I am aware that by signing this Agreement I am agreeing to all of the terms outlined above. I have executed this Agreement and the above terms, as of this date, and acknowledge receiving a copy of this signed Agreement.
Date: {sign_date}
(Printed Name of Parent or Guardian)